Description of the Dellmont service

DELLMONT Sarl ( is the cheapest VoIP Provider among the voip industry.They have about 60 programs in total in which each have independent websites (and still rising). These include 12voip, actionvoip, budgetvoipbudgetvoipcall, callingcredit, callpirates, cheapbuzzer, cheapvoipcall, cosmovoip, calleasy, dialcheap, dialnow, discountcalling, Easyvoip, freecall, Freevoipdeal, frynga, globalfreecall, Hotvoip, Internetcalls, Intervoip, Jumblo, Justvoip, Lowratevoip, MyvoiptrafficNonoh, Netappel, Onevoip ,Pennyconnect, Poivy, Powervoip, RebvoiceRynga, Siptraffic, Sipdiscount, Smartvoip, Smsdiscount, Stuntcalls, Supervoip, TelboVoipalot, Voipblast, Voipblazer, Voipbuster, VoicetradingVoipbusterpro, Voipcaptain, VoipcheapVoipchief, Voipdiscount, Voipgain, Voipjumper, Voipyo, voipmove, Voipsmash, Voipstunt, Voipwise, Voipzoom, Voipraider, Voicetrading, Webcalldirect .

Dellmont provide 4800 min free talk times to about 60 countries.

Service provided by Dellmont program:
Pc to phone call (Windows and Mac software)
Mobile voip software for Anroid, Symbian, Iphone, blackberry, windows mobile.
Free Access number to make call from your fixed phone.
Sms service anywhere in the world at the lowest rates possible.

How does Dellmont reseller program work?

Dellmont provide dollar and Euro billing program.
If you make a reseller ID in one program then you can send credit to all the program(about 70 program). Its better to make 2 reseller ID, one in dollar billing and another in Euro billing. You can send credit from your Euro billing reseller ID to dollar billing customer ID but the credit will be converted to dollar according to the current exchange rate. You can use the reseller ID as a normal ID that means you can call and send sms from you reseller ID.

You can create your reseller ID yourself and start reselling with in second.
You can buy minimum 10 euro for your reseller ID so the minimum investment amount is only 10 Euro. There is no time limit to sell the credit and there is no risk because if you can not sell then you can use the credit for yourself.

How much profit you can make from Dellmont reselling program?

Profit depends on the quantity of your selling. Some reseller earn 4000 euro to 5000 euro per month. You should know that Dellmont don’t provide any commission so you have to sell with profit. For example if you buy 100 Eruo at 105 Euro and sell 100 euro at 120 so your profit will be 15% . 

How you will get the customer?

The good things of the Dellmont program is that you don’t need to search for the customers. Customers will find out you. When any client make a user ID in any Dellmont program then they see a option in their account page “ Buy credit from  a Local reseller.” Resellers are listed in local reseller page automatically so that customer can contact with the reseller and buy credit. 

How to Become a Dellmont top reseller or Betamax top reseller or mobile voip top reseller?

It is not easy to be a dellmont top re seller or Betamax top re seller. Because the company do not offer any top re seller status to new re seller now a days.Even if you sell more than 50,000 euro every month the company do not give you top re seller status because they already have lots of top reseller all over the world. If you want to do the dellmont /Betamax voip selling business in large scale you must need top reseller status. without top reseller status you can not sell credit to other reseller even you can not sell 5 euro credit to dellmont / Betamax / mobile voip end user customers.

Considering Reseller to reseller selling and 5 euro selling I develop a website that will give you all the functionality of a top re seller. The website is made with the integration of Dellmont API. So you can easily sign up in my website and you can start selling credit to reseller and you can also sell 5 euro credit to end user. I am a Dellmont top reseller for 6 years. The website is connected with my top reseller account so when you will send money the credit will go from my top reseller account in real time. The inner functionality of my website is same as dellmont reseller function. Its very easy to understand and use. contact with me to try my service.

Contact details:
Mohammad Ahasan Uddin
Mobile: 0034-631257379 (Viber/Whats up)
Land Phone: 0034-933876416
Working hour: 12:00 to 24:00 Europe time.
Skype ID : ahasan04
Voip ID: ahasan-bd , ahasan_liu

How to become a VoIP Reseller of Dellmont?

Sign Up at any one service of Dellmont Voip Providers as a reseller. Click Here to get the direct Sign Up page.
In the sign up page you have to fill up the following data:
   -User Name:
   -Retype password:
   -Email address:       
   -Country: (Choose your country from here, Your reseller user name will be displayed in chosen country.)

2. Listed or not
(click yes , then your reseller ID will be shown in the reseller list)

Reseller List Texts
(What ever you write here will be shown on the reseller list. you can write you phone number or your price offer here. You can change it any time so you can put what ever you want.)

Detailed Description
(Here you should write your details information such as phone number,contact address, bank account details,etc)

3. Confirmation
Enter the letters depicted above:
(it’s the verification code. write the letter shown above. The entire letters are in Capital format but you should consider the bold and tall letter as Capital and all others as small letter)

At last click on Register.

 2. After sign up you will be Loged in automatically to the account page, Here you will be asked for your country, personal details, phone number and billing address. So fill up everything and click save button.
Don’t forget to mark the check box" I declare that the above details are correct "

That’s Done!, your reseller ID is ready. Now look at the account options and you must see the following.

Local Reseller Menu
    Create multiple accounts
    Money transfer
    Recent transfers
    Generate Vouchers
    View Vouchers
    Local Reseller Information
    Reseller List Texts

It’s very easy. Now buy some credit and start reselling. To send money to customer ID click on money transfer and you will get 2 blank field. In the first field put the amount you want to transfer and the 2nd field write the user name and just click send and its will be done. To see the credit transfer history click on recent transfer. 

Please Note that with a Reseller account in any Dellmont product you can send minimum 10 euro or 10 dollar. its not possible to send 5 euro or 5 dollar from dellmont/ betamax reseller account. So if you want to sell 5 euro/ 5 dollar and if you want to sell credit to other reseller or agent then see the following website:

Be a dellmont mobile voip top reseller so that you can sell 5 euro and can sell to reseller also. see more :

Online VoIP Selling Business for Probashi Bangladeshi Students:

Part time business opportunity for the Probashi Bangladeshi Students. Be a Dellmont (Rynga/Voipgain/voipdiscount etc...) top reseller.You can recharge 60 different VoIP services from a single platform. You can sell 5 Euro and you can sell to other resellers.
See details: , There is no Bangladeshi Dellmont /Betamax VoIP reseller in Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, France, UK. High demand exists for these VoIP services in mentioned countries. So contact with me if you are interested.

Best wishes,
Mohammad Ahasan Uddin
Mobile: 0034-631257379 (Viber/Whats up)
Land Phone: 0034-933876416
Working hour: 12:00 to 24:00 Europe time.
Skype ID : ahasan04
Voip ID in sweden: ahasan.liu 
Yahoo messenger: