It is not easy to be a dellmont top re seller or Betamax top re seller. Because the company do not offer any top re seller status to new re seller now a days.Even if you sell more than 50,000 euro every month the company do not give you top re seller status because they already have lots of top reseller all over the world. If you want to do the dellmont /Betamax voip selling business in large scale you must need top reseller status. without top reseller status you can not sell credit to other reseller even you can not sell 5 euro credit to dellmont / Betamax / mobile voip end user customers.
Considering Reseller to reseller selling and 5 euro selling I develop a website that will give you all the functionality of a top re seller. The website is made with the integration of Dellmont API. So you can easily sign up in my website and you can start selling credit to reseller and you can also sell 5 euro credit to end user. I am a Dellmont top reseller for 6 years. The website is connected with my top reseller account so when you will send money the credit will go from my top reseller account in real time. The inner functionality of my website is same as dellmont reseller function. Its very easy to understand and use. contact with me to try my service.
Contact details:
Mohammad Ahasan Uddin
Mobile: 0034-631257379 (Viber/Whats up)
Land Phone: 0034-933876416
Working hour: 12:00 to 24:00 Europe time.
Skype ID : ahasan04
Voip ID: ahasan-bd , ahasan_liu