Description of the Dellmont service

DELLMONT Sarl ( is the cheapest VoIP Provider among the voip industry.They have about 60 programs in total in which each have independent websites (and still rising). These include 12voip, actionvoip, budgetvoipbudgetvoipcall, callingcredit, callpirates, cheapbuzzer, cheapvoipcall, cosmovoip, calleasy, dialcheap, dialnow, discountcalling, Easyvoip, freecall, Freevoipdeal, frynga, globalfreecall, Hotvoip, Internetcalls, Intervoip, Jumblo, Justvoip, Lowratevoip, MyvoiptrafficNonoh, Netappel, Onevoip ,Pennyconnect, Poivy, Powervoip, RebvoiceRynga, Siptraffic, Sipdiscount, Smartvoip, Smsdiscount, Stuntcalls, Supervoip, TelboVoipalot, Voipblast, Voipblazer, Voipbuster, VoicetradingVoipbusterpro, Voipcaptain, VoipcheapVoipchief, Voipdiscount, Voipgain, Voipjumper, Voipyo, voipmove, Voipsmash, Voipstunt, Voipwise, Voipzoom, Voipraider, Voicetrading, Webcalldirect .

Dellmont provide 4800 min free talk times to about 60 countries.

Service provided by Dellmont program:
Pc to phone call (Windows and Mac software)
Mobile voip software for Anroid, Symbian, Iphone, blackberry, windows mobile.
Free Access number to make call from your fixed phone.
Sms service anywhere in the world at the lowest rates possible.